The requisition to fill up
these posts was received from the Executive Director (Pers.), HP State Electricity Board Ltd.,
Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-4 and advertised vide advertisement No. 33-2/2017 dated 08.09.2017.
In response to this advertisement, in all 15671 applications received, out of
which 13933 applications were provisionally admitted.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 15
th July, 2018 in which 10223 candidates appeared and 3710 candidates remained absent. Out of total 10233 candidates
appeared, the following 277 candidates have been declared qualified and shortlisted for further
selection process/evaluation:-
609000032 609000034 609000038 609000095 609000147 609000176 609000213 609000332
609000380 609000495 609000519 609000533 609000534 609000616 609000716 609000740
609000747 609000845 609000908 609000916 609000978 609000983 609001378 609001465
609001501 609001515 609001574 609001595 609001642 609001655 609001683 609001703
609001754 609001958 609001986 609002073 609002102 609002150 609002197 609002322
609002344 609002348 609002374 609002426 609002445 609002506 609002593 609002610
609002622 609002750 609002756 609002781 609002785 609002787 609002799 609002897
609002934 609003018 609003149 609003169 609003228 609003234 609003298 609003545
609003568 609003677 609003699 609003710 609003769 609003881 609003883 609003892
609003904 609003964 609004024 609004076 609004098 609004117 609004133 609004298
609004310 609004393 609004408 609004481 609004511 609004618 609004901 609004908
609005035 609005125 609005162 609005353 609005425 609005454 609005465 609005499
609005627 609005646 609005786 609005808 609005911 609005915 609006041 609006080
609006158 609006187 609006192 609006214 609006409 609006431 609006520 609006574
609006576 609006650 609006826 609006858 609006863 609006891 609006893 609006910
609006975 609006990 609007000 609007001 609007031 609007054 609007061 609007072
609007075 609007105 609007114 609007121 609007131 609007136 609007159 609007165
609007169 609007170 609007198 609007201 609007223 609007248 609007311 609007319
609007322 609007345 609007383 609007401 609007426 609007471 609007498 609007511
609007543 609007567 609007572 609007605 609007632 609007634 609007637 609007670
609007764 609007770 609007771 609007960 609007994 609008027 609008096 609008103
609008134 609008184 609008194 609008216 609008281 609008302 609008396 609008441
609008544 609008549 609008603 609008614 609008670 609008694 609008723 609008766
609008811 609008860 609008927 609009003 609009032 609009062 609009218 609009248
609009286 609009339 609009532 609009577 609009594 609009613 609009647 609009658
609009709 609009874 609009898 609009969 609010121 609010123 609010153 609010187
609010205 609010257 609010274 609010284 609010293 609010376 609010384 609010392
609010481 609010482 609010490 609010612 609010667 609010675 609010697 609010726
609010736 609010755 609010911 609010925 609010973 609010977 609011063 609011119
609011178 609011215 609011216 609011270 609011274 609011280 609011281 609011386
609011534 609011586 609011606 609011726 609011765 609011843 609011863 609011873
609011884 609011897 609011965 609012260 609012264 609012285 609012310 609012353
609012369 609012524 609012558 609012585 609012621 609012634 609012826 609012888
609012911 609012921 609013022 609013065 609013306 609013393 609013761 609013813
609013935 609013998 609014162 609014203 609014245 Total Candidates=277
The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of
the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).
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