After full stern action the teachers could not bow down on the issue of salary reduction, but the government has now gone on the verge of communicating. Many senior ministers are worried about the issue. It is also a matter of discussion that on the part of the teachers' struggle and the strictness of the government, the question of education minister OP Soni is also being raised.
So they too want to settle this issue soon. It is a matter of discussion that after the elections in five states, their order can also be changed.
There are discussions in government corridors that some senior ministers are worried about strict adherence to the teachers.
They have also discussed this. The Congress ministers believe that leaving the dialogue process stubbornly reduces the image of the government. Together with the teachers, this struggle is going to form a group of employees, farmers and common people. Therefore, the discussion should focus the teachers' problems.
It is noteworthy that on November 5, Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh had refused to meet the teachers' delegation by saying that earlier he would end the dharna in Patiala. After this, Education Minister OP Soni had also refused to hold a meeting on 22 November. After this, there has been a surge in the teachers and employee organizations.
They have announced the encroachment on December 2 at Patiala.
Under the changed policy from the education department, the government's attitude towards canceling the wide-ranging changes and suspension of teachers is soft but the issue of regulating teachers in the current pay scales is not currently under any consideration.