29 अगस्त 2018

Big Breaking : 312 Candidates Passed TGT MEDICAL test see results here

As per the approval of the Apex Commission, the result of written objective type screening test held on 8 th July, 2018 for the recruitment of 95 posts of TGT(Medical) (on contract basis) Post Code: 633, advertised vide advertisement No. 33-2/2017 dated 16.09.2017 is hereby notified for further selection process. The Roll Numbers of the successful candidates are as under:-
633000015 633000060 633000076 633000117 633000129 633000133 633000147 633000157 633000182 633000218 633000226 633000264 633000266 633000276 633000291 633000302 633000311 633000314 633000329 633000340 633000366 633000389 633000411 633000428 633000431 633000451 633000504 633000509 633000522 633000538 633000543 633000545 633000546 633000555 633000576 633000582 633000600 633000601 633000602 633000614 633000634 633000636 633000654 633000676 633000762 633000791 633000795 633000797 633000798 633000831 633000834 633000837 633000843 633000846 633000847 633000859 633000880 633000883 633000889 633000900 633000911 633000919 633000946 633000950 633000957 633001005 633001021 633001025 633001036 633001053 633001062 633001076 633001077 633001078 633001141 633001146 633001147 633001168 633001172 633001183 633001192 633001204 633001228 633001242 633001243 633001262 633001270 633001273 633001282 633001299 633001329 633001332 633001341 633001360 633001378 633001385 633001388 633001427 633001491 633001518 633001526 633001552 633001568 633001588 633001617 633001624 633001651 633001671 633001692 633001694 633001695 633001708 633001827 633001829 633001867 633001894 633001946 633002002 633002040 633002068 633002072 633002103 633002116 633002118 633002165 633002170 633002181 633002182 633002197 633002209 633002224 633002231 633002238 633002266 633002267 633002316 633002325 633002334 633002335 633002347 633002359 633002437 633002481 633002545 633002553 633002613 633002620 633002637 633002661 633002663 633002675 633002695 633002725 633002743 633002749 633002803 633002814 633002864 633002870 633002889 633002896 633002912 633002921 633002947 633003009 633003095 633003110 633003113 633003122 633003169 633003204 633003224 633003225 633003228 633003233 633003280 633003363 633003454 633003483 633003490 633003536 633003543 633003553 633003586 633003656 633003660 633003665 633003681 633003712 633003729 633003732 633003738 633003742 633003785 633003799 633003808 633003866 633003877 633003885 633003911
633003918 633003933 633003942 633003944 633003953 633003995 633004049 633004128 633004149 633004189 633004218 633004221 633004244 633004299 633004301 633004307 633004324 633004378 633004386 633004409 633004421 633004450 633004468 633004525 633004562 633004566 633004570 633004581 633004610 633004618 633004623 633004634 633004664 633004703 633004707 633004725 633004735 633004744 633004754 633004761 633004783 633004810 633004819 633004820 633004825 633004849 633004870 633004885 633004929 633004940 633004952 633004959 633004961 633004975 633005005 633005007 633005030 633005044 633005054 633005073 633005092 633005093 633005154 633005175 633005181 633005182 633005232 633005262 633005263 633005287 633005346 633005352 633005371 633005382 633005424 633005441 633005445 633005451 633005548 633005598 633005601 633005620 633005635 633005663 633005718 633005723 633005724 633005761 633005877 633005880 633005969 633005974 633005979 633006041 633006050 633006057 633006061 633006103 633006132 633006165 633006195 633006211 633006218 633006222 633006231 633006258 633006288 633006298 633006335 633006357 633006373 633006391 Total Candidates=312