28 जुलाई 2018

HPSSB Declared Result for the Post of Shastri, SEE here

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 200 posts {General(UR)=77, General(BPL)=21, General(WFF)=03, OBC(UR)=35, OBC(BPL)=06, OBC(WFF)=01, SC(UR)=36, SC(BPL)=07, SC(WFF)=02, ST(UR)=11 & ST(BPL)=01} of Shastri (on contract basis) Post Code: 635. The requisition of these posts were received from the Director of Elementary Education, HP and advertised vide advertisement No. 33-2/2017 dated 08.09.2017. In response to this advertisement, in all 5314 applications received, out of which 4814 applications were provisionally admitted. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 27 th May, 2018 in which 4373 candidates appeared and 441 candidates remained absent. Out of total 4373 candidates appeared, the following 597 candidates have been declared qualified and shortlisted for further selection process/evaluation:- 635000011 635000012 635000024 635000036 635000062 635000065 635000085 635000089 635000098 635000102 635000103 635000127 635000155 635000165 635000181 635000188 635000189 635000209 635000226 635000228 635000236 635000240 635000254 635000256 635000265 635000283 635000288 635000367 635000371 635000392 635000395 635000400 635000405 635000413 635000416 635000428 635000440 635000453 635000459 635000471 635000474 635000481 635000482 635000492 635000508 635000516 635000519 635000532 635000540 635000545 635000547 635000558 635000566 635000572 635000578 635000580 635000603 635000614 635000625 635000628 635000631 635000649 635000650 635000652 635000661 635000663 635000700 635000709 635000720 635000722 635000728 635000744 635000747 635000762 635000766 635000771 635000783 635000788 635000855 635000858 635000860 635000861 635000878 635000887 635000898 635000905 635000917 635000919 635000922 635000947 635000954 635000963 635000970 635000979 635000989 635000993 635001007 635001019 635001053 635001054 635001063 635001070 635001094 635001098 635001123 635001128 635001156 635001161 635001168 635001221 635001224 635001231 635001249 635001252 635001281 635001283 635001298 635001312 635001326 635001335 635001342 635001349 635001355 635001373 635001381 635001391 635001423 635001436 635001442 635001464 635001483 635001532 635001547 635001555 635001556 635001559 635001613 635001620 635001641 635001665 635001703 635001705 635001711 635001770 635001771 635001798 635001841 635001845 635001848 635001855 635001861 635001869 635001882 635001887 635001900 635001902 635001909 635001916 635001926 635001941 635001947 635001963 635001970 635001971 635002027 635002032 635002033 635002034 635002036 635002040 635002048 635002082 635002096 635002100 635002107 635002108 635002109 635002118 635002124 635002135 635002143 635002175 635002201 635002202 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635005030 635005074 635005086 635005093 635005098 635005100 635005102 635005139 635005144 635005149 635005165 635005187 635005228 Total Candidates=597 Please verify your result with HPSSSB, The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in). For more updates visit www.jobsoftoday.in